Portfolio Guard Build 

Gameplay Principle

This is a basic fighting game, the objective is to defeat the AI opponent. 

Do not button mash or risk tripping your character. Wait for the current animation to finish before using another ability. With careful timing and deliberate action, mastering this system will allow you to chain abilities together endlessly.



Movement:  W: up, A: left, S: down, D: right

Left Arrow: Attack (Also ENTER )

Down Arrow: Dodge (Also SPACE )

Right Arrow: Counter / Guard. Press to protect yourself from attacks, press early to stun the attacker.

How it works under the hood

GamePad (Tested on USB SNES and DualShock 4)

Left stick / SNES: Dpad / WASD: Move

CROSS / X / ENTER / Right Arrow: Dodge (hold direction to change movement, remain neutral to move back and forth between two points)

CIRCLE / B / SPACE / Down Arrow: Attack


  • Android control implementation
  • Design considerations: 
    • Stiff, timing system brings frustration rather than tension. 
      • Test out: carrot mode-  reward good timing with faster actions and remove punishment for button mashing
    • Stun invulnerability undermines attack combo
      • Keep as is until shield system implementation
  • Retry option
  • Guard sound looping fix.
  • Camera Fixing
  • Universal damage system
  • Menu System with multiplayer options (multiplayer is built in, just not implemented)
  • Model replacement
  • AI adjustment
  • Control code overhaul (implementing Unity's new input manager)

Update (09/02/20): 

  • Menu interface offering AI, two player and AI vs AI modes, as well as retry options

Update (07/02/20): 

  • Menu interface offering both AI and two player modes

Update (13/01/20):

  • New Attack Animation... unfixed
  • New pointed UI ring replacing previous pointing elements
  • AI structural redesign (On going, still dodges about like a madman)

Update (30/11/19):

  • Attack Animation fixed
  • Health displayed
  • AI tweaked
  • Character skins fixed

Behind the scene

This is designed to control the pacing in a combat style game. The big picture idea being to inhibit chaos during matches with multiple players on screen.

Development log